Friday, December 5, 2008

act your age

has anybody ever asked you to act your age?


hmm.. guess you always do then. good for you. you might not get the rest of it then.

i wonder what that means?

i have been told this over and over again. the surprising thing is it usually is for the same things. you see when i was younger and the world did not make sense and i would question something, or object to a particular method i was told to not meddle in to affairs that were above my brain size, to busy myself with the kid stuff, to act my age. and now that i am a good thirty years old and the same lousy stuff still does not make sense to me and i raise those same objections they tell me to stop acting like a kid, to wake up and realize that this is how the world works, to act my age.



i guess i overslept the day they were going to answer all those questions in class. but you would think if it was going to be such a hell lot of an important class they would give a special memo or something, to make sure you attend. you would think, wouldn't you?

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