Sunday, December 28, 2008



i was wrong! i am liking Nietzche!


i don't know why i thought i would not like him, i mean he sounds like an egotistical maniac i would have just shrugged my shoulders at him in my youth and walked away, but now, i can see beyond those loud words, almost like a teenager, there is an exterior and then there is something else inside. i see an honest man, trying to make sense of the hardest thing in the world, himself. :)

this might just be a testament to my own narcissism, but he is reminding me of someone i was in love with way long back then - ME. Wait, i still am :P

i have only barely read the autobiographical parts from this book and i particularly like his ideas on opposition, on disagreement and engaging in an argument, mostly because they tend to align with my own views on those matters. no, that is not a valid reason to like some point of view, but it is of agreeing with them, i mean we think alike, what is there to disagree about that.

i also particularly liked his description of people who do not reply as opposed to people who burst into an angry speech. apart from the above mentioned fact that he gets too excited and goes all out to demean the silent ones, i do agree with him, in the principle of the matter. Nietzche says and i paraphrase (because like hell am i going to go get the book and copy for you, no sir, ain't happening today at least.) that the rudest letter is better than a silent treatment. the anger expressed in a rude / swear word atleast expresses an openness/ honesty of character, where as a silent treatment is more contrived and hurts both parties. he thinks it hurts the person who refuses to vent his anger more, what was the word he uses, dyseptic. umm... okay i might not use that word, but.... you know what, i agree. i think it is far better to say what you want, than hold it inside and think you are ridiculing someone by not dignifying their behaviour with an answer. (granted it has its uses and there are times where you must use it, but) in most situations, if the relationship is of any consequence at all to you, then i think, you should say what you want to, even if it is going to sound harsh. because what worth is a relationship, if you are not going to speak your mind?

(i know, i know, those worldly kinds, where you just keep up the pretenses. fine, don't say anything to them, hide your true self from them, but don't for a second, please, don't mistake them for relationships in your head. and if someone opens up to you, tells you exactly what they think, give them the benefit of doubt, atleast once, open up to them too, reveal your true self, and if they don't appreciate it then fine go back to satus - quo. i don't know, i cannot give up on people altogether. not the angry kicking screaming ones, not the mad sulking brooding ones, i just like people way too much to really truly be able to dislike them, for long anyways. and i think these are both deviations from the topic, so i am going stop here)

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