Wednesday, October 1, 2008

opposites attract

you have probably heard this a million times - opposites attract. really? what does that mean?

I do not think that you could ever be attracted to some one who is the complete antithesis of everything that you are. when i say attracted to i do not mean just a random purely physical attraction, i also mean the completely asexual- mind to mind - i would love for us to be friends type of attraction too. both, both types.

i have never in my entire life been attracted to someone who was very shallow, cheap, or crass. that is the exact opposite of me but it does not attract me.

i have never been attracted to someone bullying someone else, making fun of them, humiliating them. not me but again no thanks, doesn't do it for me.

you could however be attracted to qualities that on the surface look opposite to your own but are inherently a manifestation of your own inner desires, something you would want for yourself but do not have as yet. so, it could outwardly be an opposite but is not actually against your internal value system.

now i have always been in awe of people who are quiet, calm, and very reserved. it is the opposite of the hyper, always excited, and jumping off the walls me. they fascinate me, i would love to be more like them.

or people who are very funny - see i cannot tell a joke to save my life. i have a pathetic sense of humor. mere jokes par kisi ko hasi nahi aati, in fact people get put off by my efforts to make them laugh so there is an opposite quality i definitely aspire to.

or those really mysterious people - the kind who if you ask how they are doing, they say surviving, and they say it in this serious or non serious tone that you can never figure out if they are saying it for effect or there is something majorly wrong with their lives. they leave you wondering. okay, when i was younger they left me itchy and crawling under my skin, but at least i went like: how come i don't have that effect on people? :D

so i guess opposites attract only as long as they are not really opposites, somewhere inside, deep down, you have to be on the same side for you to even want to get along and be friends.


Anonymous said...

oh well.. i think, if you see someone very different from yourself, you notice them (it may not mean "attract" only in a positive sense)it could even be a conflict / argument.
you just can't ignore them!

s.f. california

transient said...

sure, when you say that, i agree. i guess i took attract as a word with positive connotation. so...