Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I would like to say i am back, but, i am just not sure. there is a lot to do these days and i find i don't have the energy to sit down and write, besides i sometimes wonder why go through the effort. once i have already have had a thought, in favour of conserving energy, why sit down to write it, not like too many people are reading it. yes it is true on most days that is the best thought, i can write whatever the heck it is that i want and not worry, coz :) not like too many people are reading it, but sometimes it can also be a deterrent :) does that make any sense?


i guess it is high time to start being more disciplined now, but i would love to get topics to write on, so the three people who are reading this, if that, please give me topics to write on, or questions or stuff like that...