Thursday, January 29, 2009

self esteem

What is self esteem? Why do we like ourselves some day and not so much the other days?

When i look back, i like myself more on days when i am productive, whatever productivity is in my opinion, when I was younger it meant studying, as a teacher it means teaching a really well delivered lesson, at home it can mean a day I cleaned up the house cooked good food and generally took care of every thing I think I should.

We dislike ourselves on days we deviate from our ideas of what we should be.

Of course the word should troubles me too. Who defines what I should or should not do? On the surface it is tempting to say I do. But do I ?

Aren't my ideas of what I should do based on other people's expectations of me? I want everyone to like me so i want to do things that they want, so that they can like me and I can in turn feel better about my self? Most of the times I suspect that to be the case. Most of our actions are need based, my need to prove something - to you to myself.

We are taught to take pride in our achievements. I make a truckload of money, I look pretty, I got an A+ on my test. No body praises me when I flunk a class, when I make a mess, lose my job. infact I might just get yelled at. Over time I begin to learn what desirable and undesirable behaviours are and to the extent that i desire approval I begin to align myself with the so called right actions, till I reach the point where I chastise myself when I deviate from them. I kick myself, I condemn myself, I hate myself. As life gets busier I never really sit down to question the validity of my own beliefs. I accept them as true and just and keep striving to live up to them. I am not trying to say that nothing is right or wrong, ofcourse it is, it has to be. But how can I ever know, what is and what isn't, apart from what was told to me? How can i begin to love myself outside of my public image?

In order to love myself, I must do two things.

1. Figure out who I am? What my deepest desires / motivations are. Why do I do the things I do? What is my MO in life? What are the patterns? How have I reacted - repeatedly - to external life challenges and situations? What does that say about the kind of person I am? What are my core strengths and weaknesses?

and along side that, I must ask myself

2. What are my values in life? What do I think qualifies as right action? Yes, it stands to argument that there is no such thing as original thought, still, to whatever extent I can reasonably be sure of having thought for myself, I must think, and come to my own understanding of right and wrong. Most people would want to do the right thing - right in their own paradigm.

Having done that, I might sit down and compare the two pictures. To the extent that the person I am aligns with the person I think I should be I will find I like myself and to the extent that I do not I will loathe my self. Which is fine in the beginning.

But then I must take up the harder task. I must look more closely at the person I am and begin to change my ideas of the 'person I think I should be'. You see, even though the term self - analysis implies it is an analysis for the self, I find that most of us are unable to be completely honest, or to be completely with the self. Its almost as if someone is always watching. We are always playing for an audience. So may be I find that I have been too harsh in my expectations, may be it is time to modify them, that may be life can still go on if I am not a meek submissive obedient wife so to speak. That I can love myself for speaking up and giving my husband a hard time for buying those stocks that I told him not to. After all he never said he wanted to marry a fifties hindi film heroine. The sooner I can take that off my should list the better it is.

Personally, over years, I came to realize that all this while I had been defining myself with what I do, that I had limited my self to my actions. I have now begun to see that if the source of my self esteem is my job, my clothes, my hair, then it is a precarious source. I am asking for trouble now aren't I? I am not saying that my actions should not be a source of my self esteem, if I can do something well, then I should be proud of my abilities, but that cannot be the only source. What can be? I don't know.

All I know is that the more I can focus on who I am past and present, and begin to understand my self, the better I feel about myself. Then I worry less about what others see when they look at me, I don't care much, because I know who I am and I have made my peace with that. That the more I can disassociate my self worth with my current situation, the better I like myself.

In this moment my hair is disheveled and unkempt, but if I wash and dry them right they have the potential to look quite presentable, however, right now, it is more important for me to cook food and clean up my house, hence it is perfectly acceptable for me to not spend time on my hair. Which means not thinking about them, not fretting about them, not feeling bad about them. Because I do not define my SELF with my hair, a 'bad hair day' does not become a 'feeling bad about me' day. Okay wait, some days it does, because on those days I do define my self with my hair, but don't you go around telling any body :P

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

people who leave price tags on...

I am really at a loss as to what to do with people who habitually leave price tags on their gifts. Not that there are not options, there are, but I just can never decide what the right option is. And I am not talking about a one off mistake, everyone can make that, it is the ones who ALWAYS leave the tags on.

What are the options and the objections to them? Well I have a list.....

1) Don't say anything, keep giving them gifts with price tags removed, and hope that they get the message. ----- well, they don't. Lord I have tried.

2) Start giving them gifts with price tags on. --- too tacky, cannot do that. Besides how does that make me any different from them and knowing these people they might just call me up on it, and then i cannot say that hey! you do that too. :(

3) Gently complain about someonelse who leaves tags on. --- I tried that. most of these people who leave tags on join me and start abusing the other people who leave tags on and never get it that I am cribbing about them. What is worse, they keep doing it. grrr....

4) Tell them oh my god the gift was so expensive, quote the exact value of it, and hope it embarrasses them enough to not do it the next time. --- this one person I did this to, and you have to know i was desperate, she keeps doing it, well, she actually turned to me and said ohhhh, don't worry about that, so what if it is expensive? umm.... what ? @#&*$#($

5) Hold on to their gift and find some way of giving it back to them. --- I have not yet tried this one, but, well, its ripe with possibilities of backfiring so... not that lucritive.

6) Say pointblank, oh you left the tag on, I haven't seen it yet, do you want to take it off? --- They do apologise then, and take it off, but it has absolutely no deterrent value for most of these people, they are beyond that. I find that they still keep doing it next time. :( though it does make them doubt if you really did not see the price, and bugs them becuase obviously they wanted you to see the price, so you washed away their plans :P small satisfaction.

So seriously I have no idea what to do with these people. I don't want to become like them and I do not want to stay on the recieving end of this complety rude behaviour. Tell me what you do? Is it working?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

neat 0

hmm... neat :)

so i am going to collect all number plates i like here and give them a ranking this one gets 3/5

yesterday i saw fourcast umm... 2/5 coz well the guy just might be a meteorologist so it makes some sense and it is better than a simple name jane, mary etc etc, but it could have been better. 4kast ? :D

Thursday, January 22, 2009

is happiness the goal of life? - 2

Here is the biggest reason why happiness cannot be the goal of life...

Happiness is a mental construct, its a state of the mind, it does not exist outside me. I can decide to be happy and actually be happy, no matter what my external realities are. I actually believe and practice that. I have lived through situations that to an outside observer would have looked blissful, but I can testify that I was miserable back then, and I have had to live through not so comfortable times but I assure you, I was perfectly happy.

I can wake up in the morning and decide the kind of day I am going to have, and nine out of ten times, I fulfill my own prophecies. Then to the extent that I control my happiness, it is useless as a goal, because I can have it whenever I choose to. And any goal achieved without much effort can hardly be an object of desire, leave alone the work of a life time. In my head, happiness is the same as that pessimism optimism nonsense, I prefer realism, thank you very much.

Am I saying I am not happy? No. Only a fool would admit that ;) which I am on some days :)

As I said in part 1, being happy makes life easy. People don't ask too many questions, don't give you useless advice, and generally don't get in your way too much. So being happy is ergonomic. It is an efficient tool you use to coast through life in order to pursue your real goal(s) whatever that might be.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

is happiness the goal of life? - 1

So, we were having this discussion S and I, and the question was if happiness was the goal of life. I have my dad's voice booming in my ears saying - A pig is happy in the gutter! how could that be the goal of life? Yes sir! it cannot be. For that matter i am not sure if any one thing in itself could said to be the goal of life per se, it has to be more complicated than that. doesn't it? ;)

Whatever the goal of life is or should be, I am convinced that being happy has to be a part of life. I cannot imagine any balanced / truly wise person being morbidly unhappy.

No matter what you do, how grand or important it is, you have to do it with a certain good will. However great you think you are and how much ever better than everyone else around you, still, in all seriousness, being constantly irritated and angry does not serve any real purpose. You should - within reasonable means - strive to be happy. I am not talking about a chirpy giddy squealing happiness, a more of, you know what, we are doing the best we can and that is that. No point stressing about it kind of happiness.

Though i cannot see any major harm come from the above mentioned chirpy-school-girl-giddy-happiness either. Apart from being labeled scatterbrained and frivolous, i do not see it being villainous in any way. Whereas a constantly morose disposition might be injurious to your health, along with being people repellent that is.


So, moral of the story, whatever blank life is throwing your way, you might as well be cheerful cleaning up the mess, it might not make it less work but it definitely makes it easier. And if you are actually happy doing dishes then..... hey! more power to you sister!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

haule haule

i am beginning to like haule haule, thanks to my daughter, who makes me listen to it day in day out ! Rolling my eyes.

i like this particular part
ishqe di galliyan tang hain
sharmo sharmi me band hain
khud se khud ki kaisi ye jang hai
kaisi ye paheli
vo dil marjana
ishq me jaldi
bada jurmana

and i love the way sukhwinder has sung it.

Monday, January 19, 2009

waiting for godot

मुझे एक बात समझ में आई, वो एक कहावत है न, इंतज़ार में आँखें पथराना, वो , वो कहावत समझ में आ गई. क्यों आई, ये बेकार कि बात है , आ गई ये ध्यान देने कि बात है। तो चलो देर आए, दुरुस्त आए। पर ये नही समझ में आया, कि जब आँखें पथरा ही गई फिर क्या? उसके बाद क्या? उसके बाद का कहावत में नही लिखा, उसके बाद का मुझे अभी समझ नही आया, पथरा गई तो इंतज़ार ख़तम हो गया क्या? या सदा सदा के लिए अब इंतज़ार में ही रहेंगी?

बड़ी nonsense कि सी बात है जी। i am waiting for you implies that you have to show up, eventually, after an x period in time, but if you never show up then is it still technically wait? is it not an entirely new state of being?

वो मान साहब ठीक कह गए हैं जी, तुस्सी औना नहीं किसे ने सान्नू लौना नहीं......

I think i am finally going to read waiting for godot, i have been scared $&*#less of that one, but, its time....

Thursday, January 15, 2009

aaye tum yaad mujhe

I don't know why, par kal se mujhe ye gana bahut yaad aa raha hai

aaye tum yaad mujhe, gaane lagi har dhadkan
khushboo laaye pawan
mehka chandan

I tried listening to it on you tube today, but lord, is it a sad song or what. I can not take it, I had to close it. It has to do with his singing, because the words are not that sad, aaye tum yaad mujhe to khushi ki baat hai na, but look at this guy, listening to him makes me want to cry. And I cannot afford to cry, so I am not going to listen to him. Period.

If something is going to torture you, then even if it kills you, you must go out of your way to avoid it. Wait, that does not make any sense. tch. But, you know what I mean.

It is strange. I used to love Kishore Kumar, and then I just completely went the other way, I did not want to listen to any KK song. Ever. Amazing how you cannot tell why your brain works the way it does. Does that happen to you? You form a knot in your head or heart or whereever about something, and then you can't stand it, and you can' reason it out, you can not open it, its just annoyingly there, till the time something heals you out of the blue and it dissolves, on its own, with no credit to you? Happens to me a lot. I guess I will just have to sit this one out, and wait for this KK knot to dissolve....

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

get a grip

I was trying to park in this spot, it wasn't a great spot, but there was enough space for the car, barely enough. But the thing is, I kept going at the wrong angle and by four attempts I was frustrated, there was this part of me telling me to shut up and just do it, and another saying why bother, if I am having so much trouble, i might scrape one of the other cars - not worth it.

So what did i do? I drove away and parked elsewhere.

Why does it bother me? because if I did not think it to death I could have parked there. And that is my MO in life, every time I think something to death, I kill it. I can do anything I want, just as long as I can get a grip on this stupid thing - my head. argh!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

number plates

i saw two number plates today that made me smile.





i love reading plates its good entertainment while driving

i remember this one


read tennis :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

aa soneya ve jag

i love this song, because i accept the philosophy behind it.
aa soneya ve jag jyundeyan de mele,
that life is for the living, you can do what ever you want while you are alive, for no one knows what happens after death. even the things you think are final are not final as long as you are alive. you can change the situation, death is the only last word, after that you cannot do much. So if there is someone you are upset with, some one you love, some one you want to forgive, you must do it now, tell them while you are both alive, because even if one of you dies, that's it, that is the end of that relationship. I get that. Not to say there are not some unfinished businesses i have not left hanging around, well there are, i just keep telling myself i will make that phone call tomorrow, or write that email tomorrow.

It's not writing the email that is hard, it is the part of- maybe they don't even care that i forgive them or seek their forgiveness, may be what meant so much to me, did not mean anything to them, maybe it is a non-entity, that i have built up in my head. That is the worst of all arguments, very hard to refute.....

i just keep telling myself , there is time to figure this out yet, when inside i know there is not. i am being an idiot. I know.

maine likh kar shabd apne

मैंने लिख कर शब्द अपने
बहते पानी के धारों में डाले
कुछ ज़ब्त किये
कुछ दफन किये
जलते अंगारों पर डाले

वो नमक बने
कुछ सागर का
वो फूल बने
इक पतझड़ का
कहीं धुआं उठा कोई बदल सा
वो गीत बने
इक पागल का

मैंने लिख कर शब्द अपने
कुछ बहते पानी के धारों में डाले
कुछ फाड़े
कुछ फ़ेंक दिए
कुछ उडती हवा के शानो पर डाले

वो खाब बने
इक सुबहो का
हो दर्द पुराना
भूला सा
कोई तार किसी के आँचल का
लो फिर इक बार बनें वो
मेरे दिल पागल का

मैंने लिख कर शब्द अपने...

सब, वो सब के सब delete कर डाले ;)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

jeevan ki aapadhaapi me

मैंने ये कविता न जाने कितनी बार अपने कॉलेज के फंक्शन्स और कल्चरल सोसाइटी की मीटिंग्स में सुनायी है। मुझे लगता था की मैं इस कविता को समझती हूँ। पर आज इतना वक्त बीत जाने के बाद कुछ शब्दों के अर्थ एक नए सिरे से समझ आने लगें हैं, औरअब जब याद करतीं हूँ, वो , तब की समझ, तो हैरत होती है - कभी ये; की वो समझ भी कैसी नासमझ थी, और कभी ये, कि कैसे, कैसे समझ सकती थी मैं ये बात, तब तो ऐसा कुछ था ही नहीं ।तो शायद वो समझ उतनी भी नासमझ नही थी.... और तब और भी हैरत होती है।

जीवन की आपाधापी में कब वक़्त मिला
कुछ देर
कहीं पर बैठ
कभी यह सोn सकूं
जों किया, कहा, माना
उसमे क्या बुरा भला।

जिस दिन मेरी चेतना जगी
मैंने देखामैं खड़ा हुआ हूँ

दुनिया के मेले में,
हर एक यहाँ पर एक भुलावे में भूला
हर एक लगा है अपनी अपनी दे-ले में
कुछ देर रहा हक्का-बक्का, भौचक्का-सा,
गया कहाँ,
क्या करूँ यहाँ,
जाऊँ किस जा?
फिर एक तरफ से आया ही तो धक्का- सा
और मैंने भी बहना शुरू किया उस रेले में,
बाहर की रेला ठेली ही कुछ कम थी,
जो भीतर भी भावों का ऊहापोह मचा,
जो किया, उसीi को करने की मजबूरी थी,
जो कहा, वही मन के अंदर से उबल चला,

जीवन की आपाधापी में कब वक़्त मिलाकुछ देर कहीं पर बैठ कभी यह सोच सकूँ,
जों किया , कहा, माना
उसमें क्या बुरा भला।

मेला जितना ही भड़कीला
रंग-रंगीला था,
मानस के अन्दर उतनी ही कमज़ोरी थी,
जितना ज़्यादा संचित करने की ख़्वाहिश थी,
उतनी ही छोटी अपने कर की थी,
जितनी ही बिरमे रहने की थी अभिलाषा,
ही रेले तेज ढकेले जाते थे,
-विक्रय तो ठण्ढे दिल से हो सकता है,
तो भागा-भागी की छीना-छोरी थी;
मुझसे पूछा जाता है क्या बतलाऊँ
क्या मान अकिंचन बिखराता पथ पर आया,
कौन रतन अनमोल मिला ऐसा मुझको,
पर अपना मन प्राण निछावर कर आया,
थी तकदीरी बात मुझे गुण दोष दो,
समझा था सोना, वह मिट्टी निकली,
समझा था आँसू, वह मोती निकला।

की आपाधापी में कब वक़्त मिलाकुछ देर कहीं पर बैठ कभी यह सोच सकूँजो किया,
, माना उसमें क्या बुरा भला।

मैं कितना ही भूलूँ, भटकूँ या भरमाऊँ,है एक कहीं मंज़िल जो मुझे बुलाती है,
ही मेरे पाँव पड़े ऊँचे-नीचे,प्रतिपल वह मेरे पास चली ही आती है,
पर विधि का अहसान बहुत-सी बातों का।
मैं कृतज्ञ उसका इस पर सबसे ज़्यादा
-नभ ओले बरसाए, धरती शोले उगले,
समय की चक्की चलती जाती है
,मैं जहाँ खड़ा था कल उस थल पर आज नहीं,
इसी जगह पर पाना मुझको मुश्किल है,
मापदंड जिसको परिवर्तित कर देतीं केवल छु कर देश-काल की सीमाएं
जग दे मुझपर फैसला उसे जैसा भाये
लेकिन मैं तो बेरोक सफ़र
में जीवन के इस एक और पहलू से होकर निकल चला।जीवन की आपाधापी में कब वक़्त मिलाकुछ देर कहीं पर बैठ कभी यह सोच सकूं
जों किया, कहा, माना उसमें क्या बुरा भला।

Thursday, January 1, 2009

happy new year

Another year is here.

When I was younger i felt a sort of excitement to write a new date in my notes each day, those days are long gone, i now feel this apathy towards the change of a date. you see i don't see what it represents anymore, what is the significance?

I don't get it.

I am just indifferent to it.

But, Happy new year all the same.

Lord, that sounds like a cynic. nope, am not really that, i guess what i don't get is the point of staying up till midnight to yell happy new year, so i donot do that, not since grade eleven have i stayed up ever for the new year, not consciously that is, if i was doing something and was up then that was a different story, except this year, i stayed up with a few friends, i guess when you have kids, you kinda need to conform or something, let them do what the other kids are doing ... humph. No, I know. Not that you need to, you or atleast I, sort of feel it is better to let her do all the regular traditional conventional stuff, untill she gets a better grasp on what she wants to do herself and then she can rebel and i can pretend to be upset, though i can never imagine myself being really ever mad at her wanting to do her own thing.