Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I need to do something

Here is the thing, I got these stories in my head, and I should write them. But, I am not... and I don't know why?


here, i am putting down the names so that I have some motivation to do it. I don't know what else to do to spur myself on. i even went and bought one of those stupid games how to lose the writer's block from Barnes and Noble. That was one wasted thirty dollars, I can tell you that much.

they are in two groups, ones that i completely understand and buy the premise of and those that are dicey in my head.


1. The curse of Karna (99.9 % done)
2. You are crazy
3. A matter of Principle
4. Not so stupid
5. The No God (but it needs tonnes of research! so.... )


1. The rogue data point (for the heck of me i cannot decide what she should do at that moment on the subway, that is when the story bifurcates, the universe splits, and I don't know which thread to follow!! My heart wants one thing my head another, ik moh kheenche baiyan, ik laaj roke paiyan... grr... I think this is the one i think about the most... and i wake up with a different decision every morning.)

2. Dripping Diamonds ( I am even dicey on the name)

3. In her own image (My favorite in terms of this being probably the only one that has this ideological love story that I hopelessly carry around in my head, but it overlaps with the no. 6 one so... I have to make up my mind some day. hopefully sooner rather than later)

4. The stranger on the train ( I like it, I think it should be in group A but since I was thinking about it, I put it in group B)

5. The reunion (hmm.. okay this is a happy happy one, and I don't know how well I can pull that off, so... besides I have no idea what the bleeding premise is? Just being happy happy happy is no premise. Is it?)

6. And then there is that (but I think this one is very similar to the in her own image one, i might end up combining the two)


Gagan said...

I was out of touch from last many days and may even go back in that state for next 2-3 months but I would love to read all of them when ever you write. I like following titles -

You are crazy
Not so stupid
Dripping Diamonds
In her own image(because of the story line)

hope u get the required motivation to write them soon :)

transient said...


yeah me too, i am half hibernating too, might go into full time hibernation pretty soon. And yes, i will try to work on the stories, it is just this god damned orkut and gmail, you think you will just check your mail and before you know it you are replying to them all and then... yeah you are spent and done writing.