Tuesday, February 9, 2010

am back!!


I am back! or so I think. or at least I can think about being back, coz for the last two months that was not even on the periphery of what i was thinking about.

humph.... What do I write about though?

Isn't it amazing how some ideas can get you all riled up at the time and later when you look back you go whatever, I don't care... only you don't know why you ever cared to begin with?

Oh this...

Has it ever happened to you, that you were standing in the middle of the stairs and then, just forgot whether you were going up or down? damn... that's one godforsaken place to be.

nah.. that's not a topic.

You know what, I still cannot believe that an entire human being can grow inside of you and then be expelled out and survive on its own. How can such a little thing know its time to push and come out of the only place it has known for all its life? I don't know what that is? Amazing or scary? I have still not made up my mind. hmm... i so wish I could remember what that was like...

Oh wait! I know. A few days back I had this epiphany of sorts. I finally figured out why I write a blog. You see, people, they say the darnest things. Half the time, I don't know what to say back to them, coz I just cannot believe they have just said what they have, so I just stand there going umm.. err.... hmm... And the other half of the times when i do open my mouth and speak my mind, well, they don't like it, it always ends badly. Apparently most people can dish it out, but not take it. umm... err... hmm... So i figure, its better to shut up and write a blog, 'people' don't have to read it, and I don't have to explode carrying all that steam inside me.



Gagan said...

It feels like my candy shop has opened after a gap of so many years and u just said 2 months!

welcome back..looking forward to your new experiences.

transient said...

Thank you Gagan. We just had a baby actually...

Gagan said...

wow! that is a good news. Congrats!
enjoy yr time.