Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Leaving my kids behind.

I am conflicted about this four day trip to yellowknife, emotionally I feel bad for leaving my kids and husband behind. But intellectually, I see nothing wrong with it.

My husband travels all the time. I manage the house and kids in his absence.

This is the first time I would be gone leaving him to manage the house and kids. First time since the kids were born. How is that wrong.

If anything I should go away more often. But that is reason. I am not always reasonable.

There is this part of me that is scared of leaving my kids. It's like I would choke or something. I would hate to spend all this money and time and put them through this, only to come back and say I did not enjoy because you were not with me.

That would be horrible. That would mean that I wasted all that money and their cute little sacrifice of letting me go.

No, that would not be fair. I must have fun.

There, I have ruined any chances of having fun now, because really how could you have fun on demand.

I also keep thinking about this kid in P's class. His mom just passed away. And I am ashamed of thinking so much about leaving my kids for four days, because ... well, poor thing, she has left hers forever. And she had no choice in the matter. She cannot come back. I hopefully will.

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