Sunday, October 19, 2008

brothers and sisters

i am watching brothers and sisters right now and every time i watch this show it makes me want to have a whole lot of kids, a huge bunch of them, six or seven at least.

i know, it is easier said than done, it is a huge responsibility - bringing kids in to this world, raising them right, empowering them to be all that they can be. it is the work of a lifetime. it is not to be undertaken in jest. i know that.

all the same - just the thought of all those kids grown up, coming home from university, sitting around the dining table having these vivid discussions (okay more like bitter arguments) gives me this warm and fuzzy feeling all over. I would love to be the mom, in the middle, mediating those debates, trying to keep them civil, giving up and joining them, adding my own two cents, being completely ignored or getting talked back to - with all due respect of course - see, i am already smiling. hmm... i would have loved that.

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