Thursday, October 16, 2008

want and need

it has been many many years since i figured out that i want is no argument, i need is no argument.

you can want something all you want and that is no reason why should get it. you can need something to death and that is no reason why it should be given to you.

needing to be cured of cancer, wanting someone to love you, needing that job....

and your point is?

:) exactly... bad arguments.


Anonymous said...

yes, i have read too..
"things don't fall into your lap, just because you want them, you have to work to get them"

but sometimes, they are beyond your control.. that's where luck plays the role..


Tania said...

Actually, I respectfully disagree that wanting or needing something is necessarily a bad argument for being given this something. Imagine you are conducting an interview for a job and you have two candidates that are equally qualified and the only difference is that one of them really wants and needs the job whereas the other is half-hearted about it. I would give the job to the former because I believe a person who really wants and needs something appreciates and makes more of that something than a person who is comparatively indifferent about it.

transient said...

thanks for the respectful disagreement, may i respectfully add some more ? ;)

the condition of everything else being equal is of course an interesting twist, and yes as human beings we tend to get influenced by wants and needs because over the years we ahve been conditioned to help the needy, give this crayon to your sister because she wants it, etc etc... to the point that we start to accept them as valid arguments. that is what i am trying to refute, they are not.

life, nature, the immutable laws that govern this universe do not work on want and need. but human beings do.still, i am also not making a value judgement as to weather our doing so is good or bad.