Tuesday, December 23, 2008

a strange dream

i had this very strange experience in a dream today. so i saw someone from the past, someone i have not seen in years and, well i saw them from far and i was doing something else, i did not talk to them, you know how dreams are, you wake up and then you go, oh damn, i should have done this... types. so anyways i saw this person from far,and somehow my cognition was still working, because i thought "hold on, why is he still wearing that t-shirt? that should have changed in these many years" and it is amazing that as soon as i had this thought, i turned to look back and lo and behold this person was in brand new clothes now, in a color i do not consciously remember having seen him wear. hmm... interesting, isn't it?

i am just amazed, in shock or awe or something. :-O how does that happen?

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