Thursday, January 1, 2009

happy new year

Another year is here.

When I was younger i felt a sort of excitement to write a new date in my notes each day, those days are long gone, i now feel this apathy towards the change of a date. you see i don't see what it represents anymore, what is the significance?

I don't get it.

I am just indifferent to it.

But, Happy new year all the same.

Lord, that sounds like a cynic. nope, am not really that, i guess what i don't get is the point of staying up till midnight to yell happy new year, so i donot do that, not since grade eleven have i stayed up ever for the new year, not consciously that is, if i was doing something and was up then that was a different story, except this year, i stayed up with a few friends, i guess when you have kids, you kinda need to conform or something, let them do what the other kids are doing ... humph. No, I know. Not that you need to, you or atleast I, sort of feel it is better to let her do all the regular traditional conventional stuff, untill she gets a better grasp on what she wants to do herself and then she can rebel and i can pretend to be upset, though i can never imagine myself being really ever mad at her wanting to do her own thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha! I agree with you 100%. V and I also do not see the point of staying up till late for the sake of "new year" alone (that is a diff matter that we were up, enjoying just some alone time, with A happily snoring away in bed)