Wednesday, January 21, 2009

is happiness the goal of life? - 1

So, we were having this discussion S and I, and the question was if happiness was the goal of life. I have my dad's voice booming in my ears saying - A pig is happy in the gutter! how could that be the goal of life? Yes sir! it cannot be. For that matter i am not sure if any one thing in itself could said to be the goal of life per se, it has to be more complicated than that. doesn't it? ;)

Whatever the goal of life is or should be, I am convinced that being happy has to be a part of life. I cannot imagine any balanced / truly wise person being morbidly unhappy.

No matter what you do, how grand or important it is, you have to do it with a certain good will. However great you think you are and how much ever better than everyone else around you, still, in all seriousness, being constantly irritated and angry does not serve any real purpose. You should - within reasonable means - strive to be happy. I am not talking about a chirpy giddy squealing happiness, a more of, you know what, we are doing the best we can and that is that. No point stressing about it kind of happiness.

Though i cannot see any major harm come from the above mentioned chirpy-school-girl-giddy-happiness either. Apart from being labeled scatterbrained and frivolous, i do not see it being villainous in any way. Whereas a constantly morose disposition might be injurious to your health, along with being people repellent that is.


So, moral of the story, whatever blank life is throwing your way, you might as well be cheerful cleaning up the mess, it might not make it less work but it definitely makes it easier. And if you are actually happy doing dishes then..... hey! more power to you sister!

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