Sunday, November 9, 2008

ghar hamara jo na rote bhi

so here is one of mirza ghalib's poems that i like

ghar hamaaraa jo nah rote bhii to viiraa;N hotaa ba;hr gar ba;hr nah hotaa to bayaabaa;N hotaa
my home would have been deserted even if i did not cry, if the sea was not a sea it would be a desert.

tangii-e dil kaa gilah kyaa yih vuh kaafir dil hai kih agar tang nah hotaa to pareshaa;N hotaa

why should i lament my tormented heart, because it is that kind of a heart that it would have been anxious had it not been in torment :)
tang == in trouble and constricted
pareshaan == in trouble and expanded

ba((d-e yak ((umr-e vara(( baar to detaa baare kaash ri.zvaa;N hii dar-e yaar kaa darbaa;N hotaa

after a life time atleast he would have let me enter, if only rizva (the gaurd to heaven) were the gaurd to my lover's door.

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