Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I think I am in love with my blog



When I am away, cooking, driving, doing something else, I think of so many things I would like to write on my blog, but when I actually sign in... poof... all gone!

मतलब यूँ तो बहुत कुछ कहना है मुझे तुमसे, पर जो कभी सामने आ ही जाओ मेरे, तो फिर सिट्टी पिट्टी गुल। फिर हम उल्टे पाँव भग लें ...... :)

1 comment:

BloggerInMaking said...

one good point about being in luv with your blog is that it gives you an outlet to your thoughts/emotions. Especially, when you are upset, with me, it happens that I have to talk to someone to get over that uneasy moment. But what if that person/friend is not available at that moment. You'll keep suffering within. Writing the blog keeps you away from that dependency.
But ya, nobody can replace friends ;-)