Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I love Gurdaas maan and his challa song, actually i love a whole lot of his songs, so much so that i should make a separate category for them :)

I like the way it begins

jaavo ni koi mod leyao
ni mere naal gaya aj lad ke
allah kare je aajave sohna
devan jaan kadma vich dhar ke

and i like this next part too, it is sort of funny but sad, funny in a very punjabi sort of way, its hard to explain. it goes

challa kaliyan mirchan
mohra pi ke marsan
sire tere chad san
gall sun challeya dhola
ve saad ke keetai kola

matlab i will comit suicide, but i will blame it on you... how crazy is that? does that make sense? suicide is by definition self inflicted. Isn't it? You don't get to point fingers at others. But people do that all the time , we blame others for our wrong decisions, i do too, i am not saying i don't, only that i see the error of my ways. Again, am not saying i will change my ways, in fact i am not sure if that is even possible but, oh i don't know what the heck i am saying... dekhya bhula ditta na... sheh.


Spice said...

challa kaliyan mircha...challa kaliyan mircha...mohra pi ke challa.....i too love gurdas maan songs...actually love punjabi songs specially the authentic any chance r u punjabi....

transient said...

Yes I am.